Ebb and Flow Cycles

Meeting Prune Harris in London


I had the recent fortune to work with Energy Expert Prune Harris in London England! I did get to talk to her and thank her for her workshop, and I wanted to get a photo with her, I just didn't feel I should ask, then later on I couldn't shake the feeling that I should have just asked her for a photo! The next day I had made plans to go to the British museum and see the exhibit: "Feminin Power the Divine to the Demonic", Low and behold who do I run into? It was Prune, we literally bumped shoulders.! So then I had to ask her for a photo and she kindly obliged. It still gives me shivers to think of it!

So much information to process from the workshop. it was an amazing opportunity to learn from and be in the presence of one of my heroes! Prune is someone I have admired and respected from a distance for a few years. 

I discovered Prune online demonstrating and leading people through an energy routine. I was instantly engaged and began to follow her posts. This was at the beginning of the pandemic and her advice really resonated for me. Eventually I joined her newsletter and I found out about the live workshop she was going to be giving . I instantly wanted to go! 

It all came together as I put hope in my heart, when my husband changed jobs and was home for a few days in between and could look after our son! I had faith if it was meant to be it would happen, but it took until the last minute before I was sure. I was lucky to get in, and quickly booked train tickets and a bed in a hostel! 

Many things from the workshop stood out for me, but one of the things included in the beautiful full colour workshop booklet that I would like to write about here; has to do with the cycles we go through and the way it was described was so interesting to me. It’s a diagram of a figure eight, broken up into the different parts of the cycle. 

The magic of the Figure Eight

We are all part of cycles going on all the time. The cycles of the moon, the cycles of the seasons, the cycles of conception, incubation, birth, growth, harvest and hibernation. 

Sometimes it is good to reflect on what part of the cycle we might be in, in any given situation. Is it the beginning the middle the end? How will the cycle begin again? How will it change? From our own center points can we figure out where we are at, and find peace with it to allow the flow to continue to unfold in our lives, without imposing our purely mental ideas of how we would like things to be at all times? 

It’s like how in meditation you may notice - when things are going well- we would like them to stay going well, but things can’t always stay the same. The only constant is that things are always changing! So how can we not find ourselves reacting in fear or negativity that the good things are not staying the same? 

I now more clearly than ever understand how it relates to the figure eight! Every one of us in various places in our lives are living out part of a cycle. Currently as I write this it happens to be almost a new moon. The new moon is a good way of visualizing how it works- 

The only constant is constant change.

In the new moon, we see the beginnings of the light, therefore we could consider it like the spring of the month when we plant seeds. We consider ideas and start new projects and it’s a good time to set goals. We may do this without even knowing, or with intention. Then as we may wait, tend to our seeds, remain open to the coming blossoming.  Move towards the full moon we could consider ourselves moving to the place where our ideas, goals and intentions can be considered coming to fruition depending on how they have been nurtured, honoured and given space to grow.  From New moon  to Full moon we see a visible part of the cycle. 

It doesn’t always have to be looked at or experienced like this. But what about the invisible parts? Which leads me to  the other phases of the moon. The Dark moon, and Last Quarter. Also called the waning moon, and the First Quarter also called waxing Moon.  It feels like a lifelong process of making sense of it, but it wasn't that long ago that we were all much more connected to it, before artificial electric light dimmed our present awareness of the moon cycles power, to shine light in the dark of night or to shroud us in a cozy blanket of darkness.

What happens when all the parts of the cycle are not allowed to play out? It stops up the flow and backs of the energy. When I look at my own life, in relation to these cycles, I notice sometimes my pattern seems a bit different- I can sometimes get stuck In it the hibernation in the dark shadow of my soul. And it can seem to go on for quite some time! But if we pay attention these cycles are always going on at all times.  We have the beginning, the development, the fruition the harvest or take away and the restful hibernation before the next cycle begins. 

It’s when we have trouble with accepting what is, that we run into problems. So depending on what is going on in your life, you could be at a place in a cycle and if you could simply recognizing and observe this without getting pulled into emotions and fear, it can help you through it more smoothly.

This Is Wise Woman Wisdom

How many times have I been in these situations and if I had thought about it, it would have helped me !! For example, so things are changing at my place of work… instead of taking an extreme stance on what is going on, if I just noticed it was part of a cycle, I could have addressed matters with more of a level head and felt more grounded. For example, oh I have been here for awhile, it’s time for things to shift to a different place, I will go speak to my employer, and Human Resources about my option

Or instead of panicking that a relationship is not in a place I wish is to be, ahhh! I can focus on allowing it to be exactly where it is at and focus on setting goals and intentions for helping guide it into new places or allowing it to shift of even fade. Just the word relationship itself can bring up a lot of triggers for people, I know it can for me. We tend to fear the unknown, and sometimes our relationships go into places of the unknown. To be honest I consider myself one of those not good at goodbyes people. I’m so bad at goodbyes- how bad at goodbyes are you Holly? I am so bad at goodbyes that I don’t even make space to say goodbye.Yes I am a “no good at goodbye”person- but thankfully I have realized this- (huge!) and  I’m working on it! 

As I reflect back on my life, I realize there are plenty of times when that’s all it was. It was simply time to say goodbye . No need for drama . But my holding on or conditioning that it was supposed to be a certain way is what causes most of my troubles. My not wanting things to end a certain way, was actually what led for things to go sideways. If you could find a great part about that statement, is there was a lot of love shared , great feelings and experiences and I didn’t want it to end !  

I'm Sorry I Didn't Know! I Just Needed to Say Goodbye.

So how to maneuver the cycles? From what I can tell, it really comes back to being able to recognize when you need to let go and be present to the moment. Not allow others to tell you how you should feel. But really lean in and recognize, without allowing emotions to cloud your view that you are the centre of your own life and you need to be exactly who you are, and the people in your life, may come and go and to be as present with those around you as you can be. And yes sometimes we do need help with these things. 

When things get uncomfortable you could admit it to yourself too. Try not to dissociate - by racing to your comforts whether that means going to the snack cupboard, the pub or your stash ! Pema Chodron in her audio CD states how when you are meditating and you want to run screaming out of the room. Training our minds can be like training a dog- We say to it- STAY. 

And just when you are ready to bolt, there it is,  the answer shows up on the doorstep. 

Riding The Wave of the Figure Eight.

Referring back to the Figure Eight. Imagine a 3 dimensional shape, like in Celtic knot work . You have a place where you are on the knot-  where you are beginning, you are setting out on a journey, setting intentions. It’s exciting and new! As you come up the hill you face challenges and keep climbing . Hopefully you have some momentum. This is where things are still out in the open. You have done your inner work and incubation prior and you are on your way to creating something, in your life- projects . This does not have to correspond to the cycle of the moon, but it could.. 

As you cross over the centre you could recognize you are now moving closer  towards attainment at the crest of the opposite side! This could be considered the full moon when our ideas, goals and aspirations are coming into their fullest. Once we have attained what we set out and this could be in a short time, like 20 minutes, a morning, a day, a month , a year etc. Once it happens, it comes together then, the figure eight continues in an arching downwards as we come down from our attainment. You have attained what you set out for, now what? Perhaps this would include things like documentation, sharing, journalling, making connections with others etc. Then we go back into the place of rest, and allow ourselves to absorb all the goodness that was experienced in the cycle.  We may rest, we may reflect, we may reach out to friends, family, we may seek answers, but it is a quieter time in the cycle where we can regroup, and really notice where we are at after this period of growth. 

And before you know it, you are crossing under, this is an internal place we go to - like going into the deep cave of our being. We are alone but we can feel the support of so many who with awareness have gone here before. I personally love this place, I might hang onto this place the most! So for me it is important to recognize as the cycle is pulling me back out of the cave, then the last quarter or waning moon moves us into the darkest and supposedly quietest part of the cycle . SO we have the option to actually enjoy each part of the cycle for what it is . Sure we can have our favourite parts, but all parts are necessary for maintaining balance in our lives. Our disconnection from the flow cycle is likely the source of many of our modern day issues and problems. Our society doesn't quite yet allow us to just go into the cave. There is still a push to keep going and always stay busy an always be outward and growing and being productive. But we can recognize this and we can embrace it even in the small ways we approach the moments of our day and the seasons of our lives.

We can begin to recognize the cycles.

Here's one more example. Let’s say, I decided inside myself I am baking a cake for my beloved- this is my intention this is the top of the left side of the sideways figure-eight- the freshness and excitement of the idea. Then the work begins. This is coming around the bottom of the left side of the figure-eight,  is parallel to being in the waxing phase of the moon- the first quarter as the moon grows bigger- the planning- for example I may I gather the materials, I get the recipe out, I might have to go shopping,  climbing preparation invitations are sent out. Crossing over the top of the centre line, we head towards the top of the right side, we climb and coming up to the crest of the figure eight, the cake is baked - and served- the fullness of the moon could be likened to light of all the candles on the cake take a picture and the people are eating it in enjoyment.   Then There is the downswing, the phase of the waning moon, after all the excitement comes to a peak, we don’t always realize it until we are in it.  the cleaning up after everyone leaves, sweeping up the crumbs, sending out the picture, splitting the last piece of cake and hopefully enjoying it to the last bite! This is when we can give ourselves a chance to reflect on the experience without having to continually be creating another one. Women do a lot of nurturing and care giving for others. If there happens to be any feelings of resentment or disappointment or even disillusionment as you move into the dark phase of the moon, this is good to recognize. This means your own hearts desires need attention, so you can give them center stage for the next cycle! .This is moving into and through the last quarter, which correlates with the dark phase of the moon . I may reflect on what worked, what I might do differently next time, and allow it to be what it was. I tuck the memory away. Most importantly - it is a time of rest. This is the unseen alone part of the idea. It is important to give space for this - to be able to integrate and re-energize for the next idea, project, season etc. 

The edges of the figure eight are the slipperiest, if you know they are coming you won't feel so thrown off!

Also we can have many of these ideas and goals going on a different parts of the cycle in different areas of our lives at any given moment. But if we narrow it down there are a few that are the most important and to experience the things that are the most important to us in the moment to the fullest isn’t that is the goal? So taking a look at how many pies and cakes we have on the go might also be a worthwhile thing to do once in while. As we go on with our day,  may we make space for each part of the cycle, so that we can actually stop and smell the flowers too. 

As much as I like baking, noticing where I’m at in the cycle,  I think I will go pick up a cake mix this time! :)  Sometimes it's just best to simplify .

inside the british museum

Inside at the british museum


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