Ok, Here's the Plan

Hello !

Having just moved a bit of furniture around (my go to, busy state activity) I sit down with my second coffee, a smaller one albeit, and for a bit of a write up. I explain back to my sometimes noisy internal voice, “it was okay to move the long desk because it’s the  right height to write.” Hm even rhymes, (always a good sign). It simply had to be done. 

Here’s the plan -allow myself this writing time almost everyday- and any important more universal insights I find I will post- up to a couple of times weekly. Misnomer, this is not something I or anyone has to do or read!  I am just going to put it out there, if you have comments or ideas to share I will include a space for this at the bottom. All feedback is welcome.  

Yay- we can do this because it is intrinsic. Simply because we enjoy it and because we want to, if we don’t want to that’s okay too - archive it, save it for later,  delete it, it’s all fine. And by fine I actually mean it. I try to mean what I say and say what I mean. Sometimes these things shift and change, and that I find is a good thing too. This allows for some freedom and flexibility of expression and learning. What we might be feeling one day, may not be the same the next. 

So I’ve been working towards this for a while and am inspired. Surfing around last night I came upon an interesting and helpful podcast about self-discipline, *and it re-inspired me to a new commitment. A commitment that’s been incubating in my heart for a while now. A brave endeavour to allow my thoughts and ideas to be seen and shared. What a concept. This means- I get to be me- and you get to be you and we get to do what we do best, what make us who we are. Writing is one of those things for me. 

My hope is through allowing my own light (and indeed shadow) to be seen, I then as Nelson Mandela put it so eloquently- give others the permission to do the same. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

To be honest, this is long overdue. What is brilliant about it is I have loads of material I have gathered over the years becoming the wise woman that I am to be able to share with you . All kinds of tidbits and goodies to pass along ! We'll see how it lands. I really would like to hear feedback from people too, to create a dialogue. 

My goal is to keep it short - I want you to be able to get on with your day.  What I offer is something authentic from within. And we can see where it goes. 

What I’ve come to realise is I can’t be humming and hoeing about this any longer and my hope is , the realisation of this action will inspire and propel not only myself but other like minded souls forward on our journey here on earth. I know we all have much to offer the world in our own ways. Ladies, I don't have time to waste . I want to be living my life to the fullest at this point . I want to share and grow and experience life and all it has to offer. 

Have you ever looked back at something you did a long time ago and thought -wow! that was actually pretty good!? OR you found some engaging interest in what you had done- when at the time you may have said, aw, it’s just ok.. and then you hid it away. I am coming to realize some of where this stems from and am in the process of breaking out of this pattern. I encourage you to entertain the possibility of doing the same! We all have lots to share, as we gain in awareness, let’s allow space to share and grow together. 


From Freeze to Flow


Ebb and Flow Cycles